4 Supporting utilities
4.1 GlobuleUtil
The globuleutil section is used to convert a report-log, as found in
the .htglobule directory of origin web-sites into access-log files.
Multiple report-log and Apache access-log can be merged and sorted on the fly.
The GlobuleUtil program is discussed in more detail in
section 3.4.3.
4.2 GlobuleCtl
The globulectl script is installed along with the Globule module. It
serves the same purpose as the apachectl script used is a default Apache
installation but has a number of extensions:
In case of a installer based setup, it also starts/stops any supporting
software, such as the optional MySQL database.
- It case when using the Globule Broker Service, which generates the Apache
httpd.conf configuration file for you.
globulectl stop
globulectl start
globulectl restart
globulectl graceful
globulectl configtest
globulectl monitorhost [ logging-server ]
globulectl [ -v ] [ --no-serial ] [ --no-restart ] check
February 27, 2006