A Survey of DHT Security Techniques

Authors: Guido Urdaneta, Guillaume Pierre, Maarten van Steen.
Source: ACM Computing Surveys, 43(2), January 2011.


Peer-to-peer networks based on Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) have received considerable attention ever since their introduction in 2001. Unfortunately, DHT-based systems have shown to be notoriously difficult to protect against security attacks. Various reports have been published that discuss or classify general security issues, but so far a comprehensive survey describing the various proposed defenses has been lacking. In this paper, we present an overview of techniques reported in the literature for making DHT-based systems resistant to the three most important attacks that can be launched by malicious nodes participating in the DHT: (1) the Sybil attack, (2) the Eclipse attack, and (3) routing and storage attacks. We review the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed solutions and in doing so, confirm how difficult it is to secure DHT-based systems in an adversarial environment.


Peer-to-peer systems, Distributed Hash Tables, Sybil attack, Eclipse attack, Secure P2P routing and storage.


Bibtex Entry

  author = 	 {Guido Urdaneta and Guillaume Pierre 
                  and Maarten van Steen},
  title = 	 {A Survey of {DHT} Security Techniques},
  journal = 	 {ACM Computing Surveys},
  year = 	 {2011},
  volume = 	 {43},
  number = 	 {2},
  month = 	 jan,
  note = 	 {\url{http://www.globule.org/publi/SDST_acmcs2009.html}}